We are happy to announce another group of artists to join Futures this year. The five artists were nominated by Photo Romania Festival through their Portfolio Review programme. They are Dirk Hardy, Sara Meinz, Younes Mohammad, John Robokos and Pascual Rosales.
They will join the platform’s activities to present their work to international professionals and to network, amongst other opportunities that will be developed for them, including exhibitions, publishing opportunities, portfolio reviews, and more.
Discover more about them:

Dirk Hardy
Dirk Hardy (b. 1989) was born in Boxtel (The Netherlands). He lives and works in The Hague. Hardy welcomes us to a multitude of worlds. In an idiosyncratic and empathic way, Hardy explores the complexity of life through his constructed tableaus. In the creation of his photographic works, Hardy draws from a web of personal observations, memories and imagination, and he responds to both large and small events in the world.

Giannis Robokos
Giannis Robokos was born in 1972 in Athens and grew up in Krines, Corinth. He studied Statistics at Athens University of Economics and Business (formerly ASOEE). He has been dealing with photography in his artistic practice since 2013, attending courses organized by the Municipality of Maroussi. Usually, his images are moments that he captures on the streets. His photographic obsession is to discover the beautiful side of the dark and depressing urban landscape. He believes that by observing the most insignificant information on the streets, you can, through the lens of the camera, highlight and tell stories that tell little jokes, that talk about social problems, that express your deepest thoughts.

Pascual Rosales
Pascual Rosales (b. 1977) is a Spanish photographer, who lives and works in Andalusia. His photographic practice is based on the people and the stories that each of us carry inside, this being his central axis of work. It reflects on the individual, his natural environment and the customs that condition him in one way or another. The minimal stories are the most important in the story line of your work.
Sara Meinz
Sara Meinz is a Spanish photographer and art director. With a mindful approach, she seeks stillness and hidden messages in ordinary life, often exploring society, human-made landscape and nature. She is based between Berlin and Galicia.

Younes Mohammad
Younes Mohammad (b. 1968) was born in Dohuk, Iraq. He’s a Kurdish freelance photographer mostly working on photojournalism for newspapers, magazines and other publications. He spent his life in Iran as a refugee from 1974 to 1998 and graduated from the University of Tehran. Photography was his passion but he had no chance to follow it while the war situation was still continuing Under Saddam’s time. In 2011 he quit his job and started his journey as a photographer. His work has been awarded and exhibited internationally.