We are happy to announce another group of artists to join Futures this year. The 2 Swiss artists were nominated by Centre de la photographie Genève, they are: Mathilda Olmi and eden levi am. They will join the platform’s activities to present their work to international professionals and to network, amongst other opportunities that will be developed for them, including exhibitions, publishing opportunities, portfolio reviews, and more.
eden levi am and Mathilda Olmi have been selected for their strong projects produced in very recent years. With these new bodies of work, their practice has reached a new level of commitment towards the issues they address with nuance, complexity and a visually unique approach. While their work has attracted significant attention in the last years, both of their careers have so far been primarily situated within the Swiss photography and contemporary art scenes. With their nomination to FUTURES in 2023, CPG aims to bring an increased visibility to their work at the international level, and hopes that new opportunities to develop and circulate their work will arise from their integration in the platform.
Discover more about them:

Mathilda Olmi presents her two most important recent projects. For Resilientia, she followed during a year the life of two Swiss farmers in the Rhône Valley, who are tending to a permaculture garden-forest, aiming to produce a resilient ecosystem without draining its resources. Resilientia suggests alternatives and possible new models for our relation to our environment and for food production. Rosa Canina borrows its title from the name of the dog rose, a tough and thorny plant rumoured to be used by witches. It offers new representations of the female body and bodily experience, from a feminist perspective and a female gaze, while the accompanying still lives draw a parallel between the exploitation of women’s bodies and that of nature. Her most recent project, still in development, is dedicated to the collective farm in the Jura where she volunteers, and which positions itself in opposition to industrial agriculture.
eden levi am eden levi am is presenting their most recent project, Rivers. Starting during the pandemic, the artist invited friends and acquaintances from the local queer community to be photographed in the rivers near Geneva. Here, the river represents a safe and liberating space–outside of the white and heteronormative society and away from the news–which welcomes and embraces marginalised queer bodies. Rather than generating further vulnerability, nudity and deviance from societal norms become empowering and emancipating. The project draws inspiration from different mythologies surrounding the river and its creatures, including the naiads, to propose a counter-narrative to social norms surrounding the body.