
Thi My Lien Nguyen
Three Grains of Rice and Some Gold
“Three Grains of Rice and Some Gold" explores themes of loss, grief, and healing in the context of migration and (after)care. The title holds cultural significance, symbolizing a departure ritual that involves placing three grains of rice and gold paper in the mouth of the deceased before their journey to Nirvana.
This work examines rituals and customs from both the artist’s sinosphere and occidental cultural backgrounds, reshaping perspectives on identity, displacement, and belonging within the diasporic community.
The recent loss of a beloved family member revealed the cultural diversity within the family, with half identifying as Catholic and half as Buddhist, a result of past assimilation attempts. This period prompted introspection about reconciling these contrasting beliefs. The exploration of various cultural practices became transformative, offering a way to process grief and connect to a larger context.
It is about embracing the fluidity of existence, sharing stories as well as an attempt to break the cycle of inherited trauma.
"Each year, we come together on my grandfather's death anniversary. We prepare a meal in his memory, recalling his likes and dislikes, favorite dishes, his personality... The food is then placed on the ancestor's altar, and we wait until the incense sticks have burned down. Afterward, we share a heartwarming family meal, keeping the memory of my late grandfather alive."
"Three Grains of Rice and Some Gold" aims to inspire others to embrace their cultural heritage and contribute to collective healing. It encourages discussions on preserving and adapting customs to the present day while fostering a sense of calm, acceptance, and renewal within communities.
With an alchemical touch, Piaget seeks to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, to breathe life into the intangible, and to capture the fleeting essence of life itself. His lens becomes a bridge between dreams and reality, beckoning viewers to question what is truly there. In selecting Piaget for our talent programme, we recognize his unique position at the intersection of humanity and technology, dreams and reality. His art invites us to reexamine our digital existence and savour the fragile instants that often slip through the crevices of our fast-paced lives.
Thi My Lien Nguyen’s artistic practice delves deep into the complexities of belonging, diasporic realities, and post-migrant stories, transcending geographical boundaries and fostering a profound understanding of human identity. Her approach expands beyond traditional photography, incorporating multimedia elements, community-based work, and immersive installations to create a multisensory experience for viewers. This evolution of her practice promises to deepen our emotional connection and understanding of the complex themes she explores.