
Constantin Schlachter
Elliott Verdier heads off into the great cold, taking the road to the distant Bering Strait and a deserted island to document a wounded territory as much as to draw his own desire for decentralisation.
Sixtine de Thé plunges into darkness with people who have lost their sight, with whom she considers, from a different perspective, what it is to see and to make images.
Constantin Schlachter makes new tools for observing infra-worlds, also searching in the night of the darkroom to bring to the surface of the paper a material of dizzying depth.
Maxime Guédaly puts the body in motion—his own and that of others, dancers and walkers—at the heart of his experience of urban and rural environments as a prelude to a renewed experience of being in the world.
Marie Magnier, director of the gallery Les Filles du Calvaire
Marina Gadonneix, artist
Emilia Genuardi, director of the Approche art fair
Valérie Cazin, director of the Binome gallery
Audrey Hoareau, director of CRP/Centre régional de la photographie Hauts-de-France
Audrey Illouz, curator
Anna Planas, artistic director of Paris Photo
Jordan Alves, co-director, Atelier EXB
Jean-Kenta Gauthier, gallerist
Marie Terrieux, director of FRAC Normandy
FUTURES Talents 2022, 2023, 2024 : Coline Jourdan, Pauline Hisbacq, Nolwenn Brod, Rebekka Deubner, Hélène Bellenger, Léonie Pondevie, Rebecca Topakian,
Arno Brignon, , Damien Caccia, Marc-Antoine Garnier.
Final selection made by Raphaëlle Stopin, director and Claire Tangy, President of Centre photographique Rouen Normandie