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Karolina Gembara

Fotofestiwal Lodz
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Karolina Gembara is a photographer and researcher whose work revolves around  themes such as home, belonging, migration, and practices of care. Much of her recent  activity has been devoted to politics and activism. She uses photography and video as  tools and pretexts for collaboration, fostering creative processes.  

In 2013, she published her debut book "Fitting Rooms," which examines the role of  women in her generation. Between 2009 and 2016, Karolina was based in India, where  she produced her second book "When We Lie Down, Grasses Grow From Us,"  exploring the migratory experience (published by GOST Books in 2019). She is an  editor of several Strike Newspapers published by the Archive of Public Protest.  

In recent years, she has initiated and completed several participatory projects involving  refugees, creating spaces for collaboration and self-expression.  

Karolina is currently working on her Ph.D. dissertation (K. Kieślowski Film School), which centers around the subjective narratives of historical migrations. She is a member of Sputnik Photos and the A-P-P