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Räume, die

Florian Gatzweiler

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A prison is a microcosm of power in which the control and discipline of inmates are central aspects. Power relations are established there through surveillance, norms and social hierarchies, resulting in a constant state of violence. This not only creates physical barriers, but also reproduces social orders that reflect the power structures of society. It is striking to note that 94% of the inmates are men.

“Räume, die” was created in collaborative work with the prison inmates. Through dialogues about structural dynamics, we tried to pinpoint male behavior in these structures. We used the personal experiences and feelings of the inmates as a basis to create images and re-enact situations. Our main aim was to highlight situations that often did not receive the attention they needed.

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The Artist
Florian Gatzweiler
Nominated in
Triennial of Photography | Deichtorhallen
Lives and Works in
Florian Gatzweiler (*1998) is a German artist whose work deals with identity, violence and images of masculinity. His projects are characterized by an empathetic examination of personal and social issues, which he often explores in a photographic context. He combines documentary approaches with staged elements to create multi-layered and complex narratives in which he attempts to do justice to the themes and problems of his work. During his studies at the Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie, which he completed in 2024 under the direction of Irina Ruppert, he exhibited several times, including at EMOP Berlin and Paris Photo. His awards include a scholarship from the Socio-Culture Fund and the Paris Photo Young Talent Award.
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