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Lionel Jusseret

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Between the inadequacy of institutions, exile in Belgian IMPs and the toxicity of modern psychiatry, autism is at the heart of contemporary media controversies. Against the grain, 'Kinderszenen' paints a portrait of so-called autistic children in the parenthesis of their country holidays. Far from the violence of the walls, this photographic series is a dreamlike journey, sometimes naive, sometimes scary, often mysterious which lets you discover alone the enigma of these "kids." The tale and the mystery against confinement and forgetfulness.

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The Artist
Lionel Jusseret
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Born in Belgium in 1989, Lionel Jusseret is a documentary photographer. After finishing his studies at INSAS in 2012, a Belgian film school, he photographed children with autism in the French association J'interviendrais. In the search for unpredictable images, Jusseret works in the intimacy of his subject. The approach is anthropological. After seven years of immersion, he finished his first series Kinderszenen.

Lionel Jusseret lives and works in Brussels.

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