The platform currently draws from and collaborates
with a consortium of the following art institutions across Europe to amplify emerging talents in photography: CAMERA - Centro Italiano per la Fotografia (IT), Centre Photographique Rouen Normandie (FR), Copenhagen Photo Festival (DK), Deichtorhallen Hamburg (DE), Der Greif (DE), FOMU (BE), FOTODOK (NL), Fotofestiwal Lodz (PL), Fotogalleriet (NO), Fotograf 07 (CZ), Fotografska Udruga Organ Vida (HR), ISSP (LV), PhotoEspaña (ES), PhotoIreland (IE), Photo Romania Festival (RO), Bienal Fotografia do Porto (PT), Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center (HU), Void (GR). The project also has a research member: Eurokleis (IT).