The artists nominated by

Photo Romania Festival

Photo Romania Festival is the first and largest photography festival in Romania, started more than 10 years ago, in the beautiful city of Cluj Napoca. It was born out of passion, kept alive with the same vision, and in time grew to be an internationally renowned festival. Over a decade, the festival hosted hundreds of exhibitions, workshops, courses, meetings and discussions, portfolio reviews and developed a large community where people interested in photography could meet and discuss their passion. In 2015, we started one of the first European active networks in photography, PHEN, with more than 20 European festivals and, in 2018, we became part of a
larger project, Futures, financed by Creative Europe.

Within this project, we have been selecting every year a number of 5 artists to represent what we believed to be interesting and worthy in photography at that moment. This year, we have decided upon new names from different countries: Dirk Hardy, John Robokos, Pascual Rosales, Sara Meinz, and Younes Mohammad. Their work has been carefully analysed and selected during an online portfolio review judged by international curators, to represent Photo Romania in Futures 2021.

Dirk Hardy is a photographer that shows a strong understanding of how to develop and present projects. Although a young artist, he understands how to build a
project and to visually present it to the audience. We particularly liked his Void project, which has been featured several times in international events, including an exhibition in Romania.

John Robokos is a Greek artist specialised in instant street photography. We chose his work because he attempts and succeeds in capturing beauty in dark and
depressing urban landscapes.

Pascual Rosales is a Spanish photographer focused on using visual storytelling about the stories that each of us can carry inside. His project Salt eats stone is a story about the people and the places consumed by time, where salt is the substitute for the passage of time.

Sara Meinz is another Spanish photographer whose work strives for documentary and portraiture. Through her work, she seeks the hidden messages of ordinary life, often exploring society, the human-made landscape, and nature’s resilience.

Younes Mohammad is a Kurdish freelance photographer working and telling the stories of the people that live in his country. Younes hopes that, through this work of exploring conflict and post-conflict humanitarian issues, the world may better understand what these people and their families have given for the Kurdish people, the region, and, in fact, for the world.

Projects nominations
Dirk Hardy
Dirk Hardy (1989, NL) is interested in the relationship people enter into with their environment and with each other. With Vivarium, an ongoing project that took-off in 2018, Hardy constructs hyperrealistic "purposeful fiction": contemporary worlds that express the complexity of our zeitgeist.

With his tableaus Hardy welcomes the viewer to a multitude of worlds. In his creative process he draws from a web of observations, memories and imagination, and responds to both large and small events in the world. He explores the complexity of life in an idiosyncratic and compassionate way and in doing so, aims to increase our social sensitivity.

Hardy studied Architecture at Eindhoven University of Technology and afterwards Photography at the Willem de Kooning Academy. He is nominated for the Aesthetica Art Prize 2021 (UK), and launches Vivarium in the accompanying exhibition. His first solo is planned for the end of 2021 in museum MOYA (NL). In 2019 he showed his work for the first time on an international stage during Photo Basel.

John Robokos
John Robokos was born in 1972 in Athens and grew up in Krines, Corinth. He studied Statistics at Athens University of Economics and Business and lives in Athens.

He has been dealing with photography in his artistic practice since 2013, attending courses organized by the Municipality of Maroussi, under the general supervision and responsibility of the photographer Dionysis Koutsis. He is a member of the Hellenic Photographic Society

Pascual Ross
Pascual Ross (b.1977) is a Spanish photographer, who lives and works in Andalusia. His photographic practice is based on the people and the stories that each of us carry inside, this being his central axis of work. It reflects on the individual, his natural environment and the customs that condition him in one way or another. The minimal stories are the most important in the story line of your work.
Sara Meinz
Sara Meinz is a Spanish photographer and art director based between Berlin and Galicia.

With a mindful approach she seeks stillness and hidden messages in ordinary life, often exploring society, human-made landscape and nature.

Younes Mohammad
Younes Mohammad is Born in 1968 in Dohuk, Iraq. He’s a Kurdish freelance photographer mostly active on assignments for newspapers, magazines, etc. He spent his life in Iran as a refugee from 1974 - 1998 and graduated with an MBA University of Tehran. Photography was his passion but he had no chance to follow it while the war situation was still continuing Under Saddam’s time. In 2011 he quits his job and starts his journey as a photographer. His work has been exhibited internationally and published widely in publications.