
Marcus Reistad
Lives and Works in
Marcus Reinola Reistad (b. 1991) is a Norwegian artist based in Oslo, he studied at Valand Academy and Oslo National Academy of The Arts. Working with photography, video, and text his practice deals with exploring geographical and environmental narratives, masculinity, and the balance between play and violence. Reistads work has previously been shown at The 134th Autumn Exhibition, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Gallery Thomassen, Gothenburg, and 254Forest, Brussels.
In anthropology the concept of liminality is used to describe the ambiguous space that occurs in the middle of a rite of passage: The disorientation of transitioning. This can be described as both a metaphysical and bodily experience. Transitioning from youth to adulthood or from life to death. Thus, liminality can be the space where the annihilation of space and time occurs. Where a psychological landscape of in-betweenness transpires. Of shapes changing form, like snakes shedding their skin, of skin growing cold, of metal becoming soft, a horizon foreboding what’s to come.
The series includes images made with a xerox transfer, done in lockdown during the pandemic, without access to labs. By printing photocopies and then making high-resolution scans, the grainy analog images are rendered with a digital noise layer, resembling an early digital video camera. Working with this layered tactility became a way to re-contextualize the archives, making old photographs scintillate with new possibilities.
Marcus Reistad
Der Greif
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