
Trigger #5 : ENERGY

€ 20.00 EUR

“How can one comprehend the relation between energy and photography or visual culture today?”

FUTURES' newest Annual Publication, Trigger #5: Energy, is an exploration of that question – and broadly thematizes alternative approaches to energy through photography, the issue of society’s decarbonisation, the call for repair and collective values. Trigger #5: Energy brings to the surface some of the different histories and cultures of energy that are often invisible today. It explores new possibilities for imagining energy, through transitions and new vocabularies, and how photography can be involved in all of this. It is photography itself that shows us possible routes, beyond the human, to spiritual energies that can help us repair and heal and ultimately centre photography on non-extractive values and techniques.

Trigger #5: Energy consists of thirteen contributions (essays, artist contributions, conversations) which engender possible ways photography might start to unlearn entrenched ideas and habits concerning the use and abuse of energy. Many contributions redirect our energies towards notions of female anger, spirituality, degrowth, justice, generosity, collectivity, and sensitivity. Trigger #5: Energy is the FUTURES’ Annual Publication of 2023.

This publication is co-funded by the Creative Europe program of the European Union.

Designed and published by FW:books, Trigger #5: Energy reflects the synergy of FUTURES members: FOMU (Antwerp), FOTODOK (Utrecht), PhotoIreland (Dublin), and Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center (Budapest).

The Publication is composed by the editorial board consisting of Julia Gelezova & Ángel Luis González Fernández, Emese Mucsi, Daria Tuminas, and Tom Viaene. FUTURES’ Annual Publication was realized with the collaboration of contributing artists and professionals from the FUTURES community: Eline Benjaminsen, Máté Dobokay, Tanja Engelberts, Tina Farifteh, Hiền Hoàng, Euridice Zaituna Kala, Yana Kononova, Sebastian Koudijzer, Sheng-Wen Lo, Yvette Monahan, Léonard Pongo.

ISBN: 9789083345949


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