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Create a profile for an artist or a professional

Use this page to create new artists and/or professionals to add to the FUTURES network. Make sure to fill in all fields correctly. When adding an artist, it is important to first create their profile and then add the artist's projects.
At the top of each artist profile a header image is placed. Ideal dimensions are 1920 x 800 in landscape. If your image has different dimensions it will be cropped to fit.
Upload image
See example page
Upload a profile image for your artist. The ideal dimensions are 400 x 500 in portrait. If your image has different dimensions, it will be cropped to fit.
See example page
On the website the artist profile always shows up with 2 thumbnail images that aim to be a good representation of his/hers/theirs work. You can pick 2 images from a single project or from 2 different projects.
In the list of nominated year select the right organisation and year the artist is selected.
Add personal information about your artist below.
Write a biography of max 350 words.
Add contact details (including email, LinkedIn, Instagram, and their personal portfolio) below.
Pick up to three catagories the artist resonates to. These will be displayed along the name and biography of the professional on their profile page.
Ready to create your artist? In the future you’ll be able to edit the artist from your personal dashboard and the artist single page when you’re logged in.
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Upload a profile image for your artist. The ideal dimensions are 400 x 500 in portrait. If your image has different dimensions, it will be cropped to fit.
See example page
Add personal information about the professional below.
Write a biography of max 350 words.
Add contact details (including email, LinkedIn, Instagram, and their personal portfolio) below.
Pick up to three catagories the professional resonates to. These will be displayed along the name and biography of the professional on their profile page.
Ready to create your professional? In the future you’ll be able to edit the professionals from your personal dashboard and the artist single page when you’re logged in.
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