About the Event
open for application
online event
Jul 1
Jul 1, 2020

Hotel Panorama (Futures Edition)

Our partner from Turin (Italy), CAMERA – Centro Italiano per la Fotografia will present its selection of new Futures talents in a special event on the 2nd of July.

During the Hotel Panorama (Futures Edition), CAMERA invited Marina Caneve (Belluno, 1988), Camilla Ferrari (Milan, 1992), Camillo Pasquarelli (Rome, 1988), Giovanna Petrocchi (Rome, 1988) and Marco Schiavone (Turin, 1990) for a talk with Giangavino Pazzola, coordinator of the project and Walter Guadagnini, director of CAMERA. They will talk about their practice and project some of their work.

The event will take place at Camera’s internal courtyard for free. Due to the pandemic, to participate, it is necessary to make a reservation through the email prenotazioni@camera.to.

HOTEL PANORAMA (Futures Edition)

CAMERA – Centro Italiano per la Fotografia - Via delle Rosine, 18, Turin, Italy

July 2, 9pm


Reservations: email to prenotazioni@camera.to

More information: www.camera.to
