Exhibition 'The Image is Our Voice' in Amsterdam

Five of our Futures Talents of 2019 will present their work at the exhibition ‘The Image is Our Voice’ in Amsterdam. Organized by Unseen Foundation and Melkweg Expo, the show opens on 6th of September (Friday) at Melkweg Expo. The five artists were selected by Unseen this year to join the Futures platform. They are: Eline Benjaminsen, Verena Blok, Pleun Gremmen, Eva Kreuger, and Kevin Osepa.
Five photographers, fives voices, five projects which raise questions about themes that span from cultural identity to socio-economic processes and politics. The selected photographers have one thing in common: they use images to question the world around them and propose challenging perspectives to their audience. Examining subjects that are hidden rather than distinctly visible, they are eager to engage with the photographic medium and stretch its borders.
In order to provide support to the young artists, Unseen Foundation has selected independent curator Iris Sikking to coach and advise them––whatever stage they might be at in the work process. At the end of this program, the resulting work is showcased in a group exhibition in Amsterdam.
Melkweg Expo, Marnixstraat 409, Amsterdam
From 7 September to 13 October
Opening: 6 September, 18:00 - 22:00
Free entrance
More info: https://www.melkweg.nl/27485