About the Event
open for application
online event
Apr 11

Budapest Portfolio Review

After that, I had this idea to go to other defence fairs to show this global aspect of the arms trade, even though I had no idea how to fund all the travel costs. After travelling to South Korea for the next fair, I was lucky enough to win the German VG BildKunst Grant in 2018 and PHMuseum Grant 2019. So now, after 14 fairs on five continents, it feels pretty ordinary for me to walk around observing what’s happening.

The Capa Center is committed to developing the possibilities of Hungarian photography and therefore considers it important that more and more Hungarian photographers take part in domestic and international programs. With this intent, the Budapest Portfolio Review event will be organized for the third time between April 13 and 14, 2018.

The purpose of the professional event is to get participants to consult with renowned Hungarian and foreign experts about their images and to get feedback on their work. The consultants are recognized representatives of the Hungarian and international photography profession (creative artists, gallerists, art historians, head of institutions, agencies, festivals, organizations).

Representatives of participating member institutions select five artists at the Budapest Portfolio Review to take part in the European Photography Platform’s (EPP) project, by recommendation of the Capa Center. Selected artists will show their work on the websites of the FUTURES project and the Capa Center as well as in related communication materials. The five artists will also attend this year’s UNSEEN Photo Festival – along with 5-5 artists selected by the other partner institutions – and present their works in a group exhibition at UNSEEN in Amsterdam between September 21 and 23, 2018.

Curators from participating institutions assessing the selection:

Emilia van Lynden artistic director, Unseen, Amsterdam

Sebastian Vaida photographer, director of Photo Romania Festival

Emese Mucsi curator, Capa Center; editor, Artmagazin

Date of the announcement:

Saturday, April 14, 2018, 7 p.m.


Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center, 8 Nagymező Street, Budapest, Hungary 1065
