I witnessed her transforming rain
Viktoriia Tymonova

Witchcraft has always been a huge part of Ukrainian culture and everyday life. One of the first works of fiction prose written in Ukrainian was a text about a witch from Konotop (a city in Sumy Oblast), written in 1833 by Hryhorii Kvitka-Osnovianenko.
After the full-scale invasion started there, also in Konotop, but already in 2022, in one of the videos from the first days of the war, an unarmed civilian woman shouts to the Russian occupants on tanks: "Do you in fact know where you are? This is Konotop! Here every second woman is a witch!"
For me, witchcraft is a way of gaining power, confidence, control and authority. But it is also a field of fear and anxiety, excitement and worry. My fears and anxieties about magic, as well as memories of magical rituals and situations that have surrounded me throughout my life, have led me to this series. The fact that magic and witchcraft in Ukraine is not a rediscovered phenomenon, but rather a long linear process that has never ended has always fascinated me.
I'm not trying to fight my fear radically. I like the sneak peek and coquetry aspect. But also, for me, this project is about re-evaluating and reconstructing what has been lost. My work with this project by far included working with ethnographical texts and documents, stories from my family, reconstructions and reenactments of witch trials, working with different materials such as clay, wax, glass, dough and herbs.
We want to know the truth
It is true that at least once in your lifetime you have heard about ball lightning. But can you be sure that it exists? No, because it has never been proven.
Official sources say that contacts with ball lightning have been recorded since the Middle Ages and even earlier. But they immediately deny their existence, referring to paid scientists, stupid physicists and even doctors. "They" are trying to tell us that ball lightnings, or more correctly, controlled energy balls, are hallucinations, delusions of vision, and nonsense... But this is manipulation, outright lies.
In reality, the available facts and evidence confirm that the existence of controlled energy balls is not a joke. Thousands of eyewitnesses and victims speak for themselves. But the truth is that the history of controlled energy balls begins in 1951. In the same year, the body of a journalist who died under mysterious circumstances was found in the city of Helbshire. Why would you pay attention to the mysterious death of an ordinary person?
It was later revealed that it was this journalist, John Foster, who prepared the material about the secret laboratory in Helbshire a few weeks earlier. His article says that this mysterious place is developing special weapons in the form of controlled energy balls. He writes that these balls will be able to control the birth rate and adversely affect young children. This information is alarming. But even more frightening is the fact that after 1951 none of the open sources of any country in the world provided any information, references or data about the city of Helbshire. Perhaps something is really being hidden from us? The nephew of the murdered journalist, Greg Foster, decided to get to the truth. He holds secret documents, materials, eyewitness accounts and real facts at his disposal. All the documents available to us at the moment are written in a secret cipher that is unlike any existing language. For many years, Greg has been deciphering these materials. Numerous eyewitnesses who met objects similar to these balls complain of fever, headache and sudden bruises on their stomachs. Usually a few days after the tragedy, the victims are informed of infertility. How long will "they" continue to hide the truth from us?
Wake up.
Conspiracies are an attempt to understand, to explain the complex and incomprehensible. In my project I'm trying to combine different aspects of conspiracy theories to find ideas that manipulate basic human fears. Absolutely everything in my project is fictional. In this way I explore my personal attitude towards conspiracy theories and even my childhood. Belief in ball lightning is very common among Ukrainians. When it rains, I always close the windows, fearing that ball lightning will fly into my house. Also, my project is a commentary on the future that awaits us. In times of uncertainty, conspiracy theories will go on and on.