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As I told you, I urgently had to travel. I visited my first best friend Carolyn, who lived in Florida. She gathered a collection of items connected to the topic of death that I wanted to photograph. The archive is not only important because of our relationship, but also because it is a product of disability culture.

Carolyn studied at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City and worked in fashion show production. She was part of what could be considered Goth subculture. She was diagnosed with Juvenile Onset Huntington's Disease and knew she had few years to live and that her body would become less and less able. Last week I got a phone call that it was a matter of days until she passed and got on a plane to visit her in hospice. But also, to document the objects she curated on her way. 

I am sending a work-in-progress selection of five images from a much larger pool. It is a collaborative project between me and Carolynn Josephine Goracy – Fashion curator. Bone collector.

Best wishes,


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